Dr. Anthony O. Kellum

Closing the Homeownership Gap: A Comprehensive Approach to Equitable Housing for African Americans

“And God creates man in hisown image... And God blessed them and said, ‘Be fruitful and multiply.  Replenish the Earth.  Subdue it and have dominion.’”  

— Genesis 1:28


If you’ve ever watched someone put your furniture on the curb, you’ve tasted the bitter poison of powerlessness.  What greater humiliation could you suffer than being evicted from a place you called home.

Kellum Principle #1:  Property is Power!  And power can only be yours when you live theAmerican Dream of owning the land on which you live.  Free yourself from the powerless enslavementof “renter-consumer syndrome.”  Create aparadigm shift that changes the way we think, so that everyoneunderstands:  the more property youpossess, the more power you have. Power you can use to rebuild communities andneighborhoods.

It’s important for us to havea good understanding of the word power before we proceed into how theprinciples can work for you in spirit, community, and finance.  

Becoming a real estateentrepreneur will give you the priceless ability to write your own ticket inlife, to get whatever you ask for in the form of fulfillment on levels thatcannot be computed on a calculator.  Thesimple act of working the entrepreneurial spirit will build wealth initself.   Your purpose will lead you topersonal fulfillment and financial success. With the fruitful pursuit of owningproperty, you are achieving something great in your life, and loving therewards.  And house by house, you aremultiplying your successes and realizing that you hold the answer to Detroit’renaissance that our City desperately needs. In that way, you are replenishingour neighborhoods, subduing the system to work for you, and thereby takingdominion over God’s glorious Earth. At the same time, by having faith and confidencein yourself that you will succeed by living your entrepreneurial dreams, youare strengthening your bonds and beliefs in God for giving you the tools andthe determination to uplift your mind and your lifestyle for your family andyour community.  This is a spiritualquest in many ways.  And as a result, you’llbecome immensely successful by the simple act of doing what I believe is thegood deed of providing homes for families at the same time rebuildingneighborhoods.  

In doing this, your good fortune will follow the reputation that you create for yourself.  As you get involved as a real estate entrepreneur, people start to know who you are. They know you invest in “community” you’ll become respected for what you do.  They will call you, with more oppourities, they call you to invite you to their church banquet and other events.  All places where you can meet more people and generate more business.

As a result, reputation creates the opportunities because you’re successful at what you do.  Keep in mind that success is personal; your success and my success could be two different things.  As you proceed, I want you to take pride in what you are accomplishing without measuring it by what your friends or colleagues are doing.  Please understand, being a real estate entrepreneur is a spiritual calling. What is more sacred than our homes, our children, our community and our neighborhood’s?  When you have the power to control and improve neighborhoods, that is profound. That’s why I want you to think big! Think far beyond the normal scope think of yourself as a prophet who’s coming to turn around our distressed neighborhoods.  

We live in a world where most people are toiling hopelessly like worker-bees, frantically building the grand honeycomb under the control of the mighty Queen Bee.  But those lowly, exhausted masses of worker-bees never get to savor the sweet honey that is all around them!  And in the end, they just die, bitter and broken... Our country needs worker-bees, but you can become a powerful Queen Bee in your own right who can feast on as much honey as you desire!

By acquiring property in our City  we are all doing our part to transform neighborhoods into safer, more vibrant places for children, parents and elderly people to live in. Again, Property isPropertyis the Power!

Anthony O. Kellum, President of Kellum Capital Group, LLC and Kellum Mortgage, LLC Anthony can breach 888-4-Kellum (535-568) or anthony@kellummortgage.com Please connect with me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/propertyispower

Anthony O. Kellum has financed and/or played a key role in transactions totaling over $750 million. He is committed to making the American Dream GREAT for everyone. Serving under-privileged families and distressed communities remains my chief focus with the launches of my new “Property is Power” speaking series.

Anthony O. Kellum, President of Kellum Capital Group, LLC and Kellum Mortgage, LLC Anthony can breach 888-4-Kellum (535-568) or anthony@kellummortgage.com Please connect with me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/propertyispower

Anthony O. Kellum has financed and/or played a key role in transactions totaling over $750 million. He is committed to making the American Dream GREAT for everyone. Serving under-privileged families and distressed communities remains my chief focus with the launches of my new “Property is Power” speaking series.